Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 5: Flow

Another entry in the Abisko iPhone photo diary from OK:

Dagen har gått i flödets tecken. Regn och låga moln, så vi höll oss nere vid vattnet. Vi gick ned längs abiskojåkk mot deltat för att kikarspana. Mamma satt och målade där ett tag. Vi gick en sväng på stranden, för att därefter åka till Björkliden och titta på silverfallet bland annat. Det var betydligt högre flöden i jåkkarna idag.

(The day has been in the theme of flow. Rain and low clouds, so we stayed down by the lake. We walked down along Abiskojåkk stream towards the delta to look for birds with our binoculars. Mom sat and painted there for a while. We walked for a while on the shore, then went to Björkliden to look at Silverfallet (The Silver Fall), among other things. It was considerably more water flow in the streams today than yesterday.)

Långfil, en norrländsk specialitet. (Long yoghurt, a northern specialty.)
Abiskojåkks utflöde, här ligger ett fågelskyddsområde. (The mouth of Abiskojåkk, this is an area protected for nesting birds.)
Inspirationen flödar. (The inspiration flows.)
Lummer. (Club moss.)
Nu vet jag varför det kallas istunga. (Now I now why it is called a tongue of ice.)
Högt över Abiskojåkk sitter mamma och dinglar med fötterna. (High over Abiskojåkk stream Mom is sitting and dangling her feet.)
Bra fart i jåkken. (Good speed in the stream.)
Strandsvall. (Beach waves.)
Svallad sten. (Polished rock.)
Ett vårtecken: Sälgen blommar. (A sign of spring: the willow is flowering.)
Silverfallet föll långt. Inte ens hälften fick plats på bilden. (The Silver Fall fell far. Not even half could be shown in this photo.)
Molnen flöt ned för bergen. (The clouds flowed down the mountain sides.)
Fjälltätört hittade vi idag. (We found a butterwort today, Pinguicula alpina, a carnivorous plant)
Klarar ni tipspromenadens frågor? (Can you answer the questions for the quiz?
Children: Why are there so many moose in Abisko?
1: They are curious and want to see tourists.
There is very little snow in Abisko, so it is easy for them to get around.
They like the off-pist-skiing on Njulla mountian.
The adult question was about the weight of a newborn baby bear, not as interesting. )

(Photos and text by OK, post and translation by LS)


LS said...

I absolutely LOVE the photo of Mom's water color box. Looks like you are having a fantastic time. Send more photos please :)

LS said...

Incredible - if you google the name Abiskojåkk, this post is the second from the top of all internet websites worldwide. And that is the same day as I posted it. I guess not that many people have cared about Abiskojåkk before.

O.K. said...

I think you're getting a good idea of what basic colors you can find in the landscape here, based on her small and neat color box.

LS said...

I think the iPhone looses some of the color in the photos though - some photos seem to have too little green, red and too much brown? Or maybe not. But it is amazing that that little thing can take these photos!