Saturday, February 20, 2010

I made a winter hat...

knitted hat - own design


EH said...

Snygg, väldigt mycket din stil! :-)

Är det egendesignat mönster och färger?

Jag har inga stickade hattar att visa, fast jag har mer ledig tid än du har. Men jag har pusslat ihop ett pussel på 1000 bitar ihop med familjen.

Sarah said...


LS said...

I took a design and modified it with some help from SS, and picked out the colors myself. I made it for KV, but it was too small, so now it is on its way to KV's son S (I wonder if you can figure out all these abbreviations). Now I am going to make a larger hat in slightly different colors but same pattern for KV. Hopefully it fits.